3 Proven Methods for More Successful Mergers and Acquisitions Deal Closing

In the economic literature, there are various approaches to the definition and classification of mergers and acquisitions for deal closing.

How to Make Successful Merger and Acquisitions Deal Closing?

Today, in the modern world, the development of a business entity requires its reorganization in response to changes in the external environment. It should be noted that the number of mergers and acquisitions has been growing inexorably lately. We can say that the market for these transactions is developing dynamically. In modern theory and practice of business valuation, there are three widely used approaches to valuation, these are: profitable, cost (asset approach) and comparative (market approach) approaches. They highlight the methods that are used in valuation for M&A purposes.

Any enterprise has two fundamental options for its growth strategy – its own organic development or the acquisition of an external structure. In the process of continuous development, based on the existing strategy, the company’s management determines what is most profitable at a given moment: directing resources to acquire a new business or redistributing them within the framework of existing areas of activity. Accordingly, the purpose of acquiring a new business through the processes of mergers and acquisitions is to create a strategic advantage for the company by joining and integrating new business elements, which should be more effective than their internal development within the framework of this company.

Despite the fact that the number of M&A deals is growing from year to year and they are still popular, the problem of their efficiency is very acute (many M&A deals do not pay off the funds invested in them, and many merged companies are lagging behind other market participants in their development). New methods of conducting M&A transactions require new thinking, a broad outlook, a mentality of the creator of new realities, and tolerance for the peculiarities of the counterparty from project managers and members of working groups.

The Best Proven Methods for More Successful M&A Deal Closing

The company’s investment policy, cost and profit management, and the development of strategic plans for the company are the most important components of the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) strategy, which are based primarily on the concepts of economic analysis. However, the main problem is that a universal concept for analyzing virtual data room transactions has not been formed. Therefore, the analysis of M&A transactions is becoming more and more relevant.

There are 3 methods of how to make a successful acquisition to grow your company:

  1. Determine whether it’s the right time to acquire.
  2. Be financially stable.
  3. Ensure the company is the right fit for you.

From an economic point of view, mergers and acquisitions should be viewed from the perspective of investments, since these deals have long-term strategic goals. We associate the M&A process with the acquisition of corporate control. According to these scientists, the only way to strengthen their position in the market and increase profitability is through the mechanism of mergers and acquisitions. In turn, if M&A is carried out for the purpose of diversification, then it will be portfolio investment, and if for the purpose of integration, it will be a reorganization. In the analysis of approaches and methods to the valuation of M&A transactions, prospective and retrospective valuation are distinguished. Prospective appraisal involves forecasting the future and evaluating the investment value of the company prior to the transaction.
